EGSZ Outsourcing

EGSZ Outsourcing - Data Analysis

With just a few mouse clicks we check your accounting (e. g. for bookings without accounting text) or detect gaps in outgoing invoices. We determine weak points in your accounting system and support you in eliminating them.

The benefit you gain is manifold, for example when it comes to preparing a forthcoming external auditor a year-end closing audit.

We analyze for you the accounting or year-end closing data, carry out general plausibility tests and mathematic-statistical procedures such as the Benford Analysis, Chi-Square Adjustment Test and time series analyses, making the test results available to you in a graphic and/or tabular representation.





EGSZ · Breite Str. 29 · 40213 Düsseldorf · 0211 1 72 57-0 ·

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